Rose Page

The Grandson's Memory

Rose's Shrine

It has been mentioned here many times, and everyone knew Rose was as strong a family person as anyone could be.

When our own family came to be, it was her world and only concern.

From the Words Remembered Page one of the last things she said was: "I never wanted much, I lived for the family and you."

When the grandchildren came along, she would have that special sparkle in her eye as each of them received her attention and loving.

She was always very careful to treat each of them exactly the same, just like she did our own sons, to ensure they all knew she treasured each of them with the most sincere and fullest love that ever could be.


I Will Never Forget Nanny . . .

Here is just a sample of one Grandson's (Hunter) feelings in a drawing that was more or less hidden away for a time. Hunter was 7 years old when he wrote this. It is very touching, and only goes to prove she touched all of us, and always will . . .




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